How to get your music onto Spotify playlists

Learn the best methods to get your music on Spotify playlists

22nd March 2023

Guides Spotify
How to get your music onto Spotify playlists

Spotify is one of the most popular music streaming platforms in the world, with millions of users listening to music every day.

If you're an artist or a music producer, getting your music on Spotify playlists can be an excellent way to increase your exposure and reach a wider audience. In this article, we'll take a look at how you can submit your music to Spotify playlists.

Make sure your music is on Spotify

Obviously, the first step is to get your music onto Spotify. You can sign up with various distributors such as Distrokid, CD Baby, TuneCore or free distributors such as Amuse or United Masters.

Build your own playlist

Before submitting your music to other playlists, you can start by creating your own featured artist playlist. The playlist should include your own music as well as other tracks that fit your style and genre. You can then share it on socials and encourage your fans to follow it. Building your own featured playlist will help you to build a following on Spotify and increase the chances of being noticed by curators of other playlists.

Delaynote Spotify Playlist

Research playlists

The next step is to research playlists that fit your style and genre of music. You can use Spotify's search feature to find playlists related to your music or check out third party platforms like SubmitHub or our own platform - Delaynote. Delaynote let's you quickly find playlists by genres and mood and submit to them via email or using re-usable email templates with a single click.

Follow submission guidelines

Once you've found a playlist you'd like to submit your music to, make sure to check if they have any submission guidelines.

Delaynote Submit

Be patient

It's important to remember that getting your music on a playlist can take time, and not all submissions will be successful. You might need to submit your music to several playlists before you start to see results.

Set goals

Our recommendation at the start of your artist journey is to submit to smaller playlists that include similar tracks as yourself - you will most likely get a higher conversion compared to submitting to popular playlists with thousands of followers.

If you get onto twenty smaller 100+ follower playlists compared to one 1000+ follower playlist, you might find Spotify will like that you are being heard across more audiences.

Promote your inclusion on playlists

If your music does get added to a playlist, make sure to follow it and share on your socials. The more people that follow a playlist, the more Spotify's algorithm will boost it.