Introducing the Delaynote Free plan

Browse and submit to Spotify playlists for free!

10th April 2023

Company News
Introducing the Delaynote Free plan

Today, we are opening the gates for all artists to browse and submit to Spotify playlist curators for free!

Over the last few weeks, we have been growing the number of playlists available. Each week, our system will import curator playlists that are looking for submissions over various genres. We are quickly approaching 3000 playlists and will continue to grow over time.

The goal of delaynote is to make it easier for musicians to find playlists they can submit to without having to scour the vast amount of playlists that are available online.


To summarise how the system works, each week we will look for playlists that have emails in their description on Spotify. If it's a match, we'll show you it for submission. There is the ability to filter by genres/sub-genres, mood and latest. The idea is that this will considerably cut down the time you need to spend looking for playlists to submit. We have also introduced a way for curators to manually email us with their playlists as well.

Launch feedback

At launch, we created a single annual plan that gave access to playlists and the ability to submit customized email templates with a single click. Based on feedback, we felt it was best if all users who register on delaynote were able to manually submit to playlists for free and the paid service should be focussed on our email templating system (which is awesome btw 🙌).

Single-click playlist submissions

Here is an example of how a customized email template looks 👀


Email templates make use of tags to be able to construct a reusable message that's dynamic to the track you submit to. You can see from the example below, we use {curator_name} and {track_name} to automatically populate the curator's name and track name.


Submit to Spotify playlists for free

Starting today, you only need to register for a free account to gain access to all our playlists.

You will be able to browse, filter by genre/mood, latest and manually email curators via your email client for free. If you would like to take things up a step and help support us, you can join our annual Premium plan to create re-usable email templates that send to curators in a single click. Your Spotify track details are also imported into our system with a single click, to make it super quick to start submitting to curators with a professional-looking email.

Save time by using our email templating system today with our Premium plan.